Specialized Ministries

At Colorado Community Church we have a variety of ministries, programs, and groups which are aimed at specific peoples and demographics that are often ignored, marginalized, and isolated in society and, sadly, even the Church. Our deepest desire at CCC truly is that every person, no matter their circumstances or challenges, can find community and meet Jesus in a safe and welcoming place.

Just like with our physical health, we all have mental health that needs to be nourished and cared for. The church is made for community and should be a safe place to struggle. At CCC, our mission is to walk with you in your journey – through the challenges and victories – and help you embrace your innate value and identity in Christ.
In the CHOSEN Ministry, everyone has the opportunity to hear God’s Word so that they can experience faith-filled community and serve in the way God has called them. All programs provide screened and trained volunteers who walk alongside your loved one on their journey of faith so that they are fully welcomed and engaged as a vital member of the Body of Christ.
The Deaf & Hard of Hearing ministry strives to create an opportunity for attendees to find access to God's Word and create community within the larger church body.
This ministry serves vets, active military, law enforcement, first responders, and frontline medical workers. All groups are facilitated by individuals who serve or have served in these lines of work.

Have Questions?

We would love to hear from you if you have questions about any of our Specialized Ministries or would like ministry consultation.

Beth Lang

Jessica Meienberg